<10/21/2023] 10/22/2023 - 10th & Grant [10/24/2023>Park where you can and walk to somewhere, in this case toward 8th. I never know what I will see and will be captured but the trip out was worth it. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<10/22/2023] 10/24/2023 - After a rain [10/26/2023>The rain was over by a few hours as I drove home so I got my camera and headed out in the early morning. Puddles are mirrors and an atmosphere that is unique so I hunted out some pictures. Shopping center at Grandview & University. YMCA - Freedom Park. 1 of 2. YMCA - Freedom Park. 2 of 2. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<10/24/2023] 10/26/2023 - Along Grant [10/28/2023>see also While the city sleeps for 2 more images.His & Hers Upscale Thrift. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<10/26/2023] 10/28/2023 - Everywhere [10/31/2023>This day I was everywhere it seemed but got a good variety of subjects. Parkway & I-20 service rd. 3am. One block from the house. Halloween event at the school across the street from the house. Comanche Trail Park. 1 of 3. Comanche Trail Park. 2 of 3. Comanche Trail Park. 3 of 3. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<10/28/2023] 10/31/2023 - Eating out [11/02/2023>see also Arranged items for 3 more images.At Buffet King. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<10/31/2023] 11/02/2023 - Random chance [11/08/2023>Someone put food out next to the car in the parking lot of Walmart, lucky enough to capture that brief flury of birds eat. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<11/02/2023] 11/08/2023 - Early 8am downtown [11/10/2023>[Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<11/08/2023] 11/10/2023 - 23rd & Shakespeare [11/08/2023>Some old territory and new images found. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<11/10/2023] 11/12/2023 - Comanche Trail Park [11/15/2023>see also Arranged items for 4 more images.An early 8am session with a light fog made for nice atmosphere to explore the natural areas and subtle colors of the vegetation. The place has died down a bit and gotten moisture from the rains but a different type of beauty can be found anytime of year. I also explored the progress of Starbright Village being set up and capturing how the fog was surrounding it. The cameras battery died on me to soon in my opinion but I got my images I needed. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |
<11/12/2023] 11/15/2023 - Downtown again [11/17/2023>At 10am the fog was still on the ground and I went where I know I suppose, still got some images so location isn't so critical. [Back to Top] [Back to Current Projects] [Back to Galleries] [Back to Main Page] |