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05/31/2023 - Clements & Grant [Back to Index>

Initial composition

F/8, ISO-100, 1/250 - This is my comfort zone and default for the most part and as such the reason to even try this experiment. In the bright light of the afternoon and open city perhaps the environments to explore the new more "extreme" setting to push scene selection as well might have been missing but it worked out. It felt strange to be altering all the setting so much but that is part of the exercise as well.

Retaken with chaos

F/8, ISO-400, 1/1000 - Rolled the dice and got a 1 so the ISO went up and shutter speed got faster. To keep the balance I moved each equally opposite to each other. For the next composition I took another roll to see what setting I would keep the same. Rolled a 2 so the shutter speed remained 1/1000.

Next composition with limits

F/4, ISO-100, 1/1000 - The scene was interesting enough but changed up the F/stop and ISO not so much for visual effect but to introduce some changes.

Retaken with more chaos

F/10, ISO-100, 1/160 - Rolled the dice and got a 5 so the F/Stop was shut down and the shutter speed got slower. Balance still kept with equally opposite moves to each other. For the next composition I took another roll to see what setting I would keep the same. Rolled a 4 so the F/Stop remained at F/10.

Next composition with limits

F/10, ISO-640, 1/1000 - Changed up setting because I could.

Retaken with more chaos

F/20, ISO-2000, 1/1000 - Rolled the dice and got a 3 so the F/Stop was shut down and the ISO was raised. Balance still kept with equally opposite moves to each other. For the next composition I took another roll to see what setting I would keep the same. Actually didn't need to roll a dice because only the ISO was left to keep the same.

Final composition attempt

F/9, ISO-2000, 1/400 - Kind of resetting back to my comfort zone but still had a limit on this attempt.

In conclusion

My intial shot was actually a bracketed set because that is my mindset and I did get a better image as a result; however, a single exposure is simpler and I really can use the full range of shutter speed because it is a single exposure. The daily photo is that better image. I used a tripod but didn't need it in this light available, comparisons don't need to be precise. I had to change the way I used the camera and my overall way I take pictures was overkill for this. Next time I will choose another place to play this game and see what happens.

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